Saturday, July 25, 2009


We went washing-mashine shopping today...and bought one!
Thes picures we'll call:
Two Idiots Trying To Fit One Washing Machine Into A Car(gave up after a while)

For those Chewbacca Fans out there, this is a must have:

Found them vests at the Ed Harvy Clearance Warehouse in Chatswood ;)
then we went to Yum Cha
(chilli sauce is the king of all sauces)
we finished our first lot of chilli sauce that they gave us, so we asked for another lot...and gave us a ginormous plate of chilli sauce...which no one touched *raises eyebrow*

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey there my fellow Cybertronians (wtf?)
My day was good
I'm now half-way through my first book
I only have 48 more hours left to finish 4 more books!

So we went dinnering at this North Ryde RSL club, and they had these amazing pork-ribs with "special BBQ" sauce
oh yummo
I absolutely recommend them to anyone
After that dinner, I had this blob of BBQ sauce on my chin, and I went around the club walking around like an idiot with un-noticed sauce on her chin
I just finished a slice of homemade peach pie
following the utter disaster of my chocolate pudding
it was supposed to be self-saucing, but I cooked it for too long, and all the sauce inside of it dried up (the chocolate pudding, that is)
and the success of my apple caramel slices
(yes, I have been up to lots these hols ^^)
My mum has gotten seconds from the pie
(will post up pictures tomorrow)
last night, I went on a Transformers craze
I had about 15 tabs open, each with a different webpage open about the new Chevrolet Camaro version Bumblebee
But I must say, I was utterly dissapointed when I found out that the Autobot badge wasn't on the steering wheel
But I still have a few years ahead of me before I get my full license
Adios, children.

Last days of hols :(

Yuppity yup, last day of the holidays :(
But we do have the weekend
but they never count

I'm going to make a peach pie tonight....yay....
Oh gosh, I feel so tired
I need to do some work
Monday's school
for another 11 weeks of enslavery, too-early mornings and all nighters.
(not fun)

On a lighter note (yeah, I always have one ^^)
I borrowed 5 books from Chatswood Library, though mum thinks I can't read them all before the holidays ended
I said I could
I'm not even halfway through the first book *sarcasticsmileythatonlyexistsonMSN*
The Red Necklace, Sally Gardner
Well actaully, I'd recommend anything by Sally Gardner (nonexistentthumbsupthatalsoonlyexistsonmsn*
Blogspot should get some emoticons
*fights the urge to rant about ROTF*

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Check out this thing I picked up somewhere on the net

No scary movie for anyone

What a day....
We weren't allowed to watch Drag Me To Hell, because none of us had our ID's on us...way too go. Instead, we settled for Ice Age 3, which has actaully quite funny. It was either Ice Age 3 or My Life In Ruins (nooo thank you)

On a lighter note, I snagged an Easy Way for $2.30 (thanks, Entertainment Book!)
I also picked up and abandoned copy of the Sunday Telegraph, still in it's plastic wrapper and everything, sitting on the stairwell leading up to my house (I live in a complex, and there was no house number written on the plastic).

Picture time!
My very attractive Mexicana Chicken baked potatoe

I am currently struggling with the Giant Crossword in the Sunday Telegraph. How do you rephrase "Frightened"?

Dunlops and Greater Union

(I'm not lazy, I promise)
I'm just not bothered to walk through Macquarie University to Macquarie Shopping Centre...
*mentally remembers bus numbers 290, 292 or 288*
We're going to Greater Union to watch Drag Me To Hell...I'm sweating already ;)
I recently acquired a pair of green Dunlop Volleys, they're very cool.
Leaving in a hour.....I'm officially stuck watching the Morning Show :O

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nori, Nori, Nori

Time to share some pictures of my Classic Silver Tabby...also known as Nori.
The first picture is when my cat decided to take a nap on my usual.

The second one is when she decided to take a nap on my maths homework...obviously I couldn't finish it, and I couldn't tell the teacher I didn't finish my maths homework becuase my cat was sleeping on it without evidence, so I took a picture for proof.
I tried flipping the pictures, but to no avail (second time today that I've used that phrase), so just flip your laptop around, or turn your head to the right ;)

grand theft auto failure

I am watching my cousin steal and complete a Taxi Mission in Grand Theft Auto, alas to no avail
Just thought I'd like to share to my readers (if there are any) that my cousin brought home a second hand Playstation 2 today...quite a surprise really....
It's the slim black box on the left of our very snazzy widescreen TV :D


blogspot is in American, I just realized
(bless my ignorance)
so that means
my previous blog was posted at 9:38pm or something
but it's actually
in Sydney


I figured, at this rate, I'm going to be posting up a hundred posts a day
Lets play trivia:
fishlove has a facebook (although her name isn't fishlove)
fishlove is a sad name
fishlove needs a new name but can't think of one
fishlove does not acutally love fish, nor like them. fishlove owns one cat, called nori (don't ask)
recently saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
cried when *spoiler alert* Dumbledore died :(
but it was cool when Lovegood raised her wand, and she was crying
so realistic :(

funny text

So, I just thought I'd share this with everyone
I got a text about half an hour ago, saying:

I'm in Marsfield shopping centre!

(for those who don't know, she means Macquarie Shopping centre, but Marsfield is the suburb where Macquarie Shopping/University is situated [for those Sydney-siders, MACQUARIE IS NOT A SUBURB!])

just finished my super bacon, egg and tomatoe sandwhich (toptip: never put Turkish bread in a toaster unless you're willing for the smoke alarm to go off for 10 minutes)

first post ^^

I'm guessing that the only way you've stumbled across my humble little blog page is that you are as much as a Transformers fan as I am, and have spent the last half an hour inserting URLs like
into your URL box
I guess its just always
I would rant on about my dissapointment in the latest Transformers movie, but I won't bore my readers with it...
like I have any