Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey there my fellow Cybertronians (wtf?)
My day was good
I'm now half-way through my first book
I only have 48 more hours left to finish 4 more books!

So we went dinnering at this North Ryde RSL club, and they had these amazing pork-ribs with "special BBQ" sauce
oh yummo
I absolutely recommend them to anyone
After that dinner, I had this blob of BBQ sauce on my chin, and I went around the club walking around like an idiot with un-noticed sauce on her chin
I just finished a slice of homemade peach pie
following the utter disaster of my chocolate pudding
it was supposed to be self-saucing, but I cooked it for too long, and all the sauce inside of it dried up (the chocolate pudding, that is)
and the success of my apple caramel slices
(yes, I have been up to lots these hols ^^)
My mum has gotten seconds from the pie
(will post up pictures tomorrow)
last night, I went on a Transformers craze
I had about 15 tabs open, each with a different webpage open about the new Chevrolet Camaro version Bumblebee
But I must say, I was utterly dissapointed when I found out that the Autobot badge wasn't on the steering wheel
But I still have a few years ahead of me before I get my full license
Adios, children.

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