Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh, Dam He's Hot (Ha Ha Ha)

All our major yearlies are finally over (yes, English, Science and Mathematics), AND the German yearlie was today (not-too-hard;it was a textbook test...). The History one is next, but that's nothing to worry about.

Recently, I've had a few of cringe-worthy moments, and I thought I'd share one of them.
(Cringe-worthy moments occur when you do something completely insignificant that affected absolutely no-body but yourself [the people around you may have not noticed], but you still feel as though you have completely screwed up your life [if "Oh-My-Goodness, I cannot believe I just did that" keeps coming back to haunt you, then that counts as Cringe-Worthy])

At Woolworths, I was waiting "in line" at the meat section(yes, the ticket system still counts as a line!). Now it seemed me to that only the adults ever bought the meat (my guess that everyone my age would be in the magazine section, or even worse, the Fro-gurt section), and so I straightened myself to look more mature, and when my number was called (46!) I stuttered out:
"Yeah, no, uhh....Yeah, ummmm"
A horrific silence pursued, followed by a
" Just a kilogram of those Ingham chicken drumsticks" at only a 1000 words/second.

"Oh-My-Goodness, I cannot believe you just said that!"
"Dude, you didn't need to say Ingham"
"You didn't need to say chicken either"
"You didn't have to jab your finger at the glass; you're standing right in front of the drumsticks"
"You should have said thanks at the end"
"Oh dear, who says kilogram these days? For your information, it's kilo"
"Oh and, you didn't need to look down at the drumksticks either"
"I don't think he caught that, you were a tad too fast"

Meat Man: "Anything else?"
Me: "Uhhh, no thanks, thanks"

"Naww, now you did it, you idiot. No-one says 'No thanks, thanks'"
"He now thinks you're a real blithering psycho, ya brainless fud"
"Did you just say thanks, thanks?"
"The woman next to me must think I'm some tourist. A tourist! In my own country!"
"On second thoughts, the woman next to me must think I'm just plain dumb"

Anyone else in the same situation?

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